
Savings & Money Market Accounts

Account Type

Minimum Deposit To Open Account

Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends

Annual Percentage Yield

Regular Share Account

$5 minimum balance is required to maintain a Regular Savings account.




Holiday Helper




Coverdell ESA Shares**




Money Market


$ 0 - 2,499.99


Money Market


$ 2,500.00 - 49,999.99


Money Market


$ 50,000.00 - 74,999.99


Money Market


$ 75,000.00 - 99,999.99


Money Market


$100,000.00 and Over


Checking Accounts

Account Type

Minimum Deposit To Open Account

Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends

Annual Percentage Yield

Ready Checking








* Fees may reduce earnings on accounts. Rates on savings, money market, and checking accounts are variable and are subject to change after the account is opened. APY is accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. For fees, refer to the current Schedule of Service Charges and Fees.

** Coverdell ESA Shares = Education Savings Account.

All rates subject to change without notice. For current rate information, please call 800-231-1626.

Regular Share Certificate Accounts
Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate
$1,000 - $49,999.99
Annual Percentage Yield
$1,000 - $49,999.99
Dividend Rate
$50,000 - $99,999.99
Annual Percentage Yield
$50,000 - $99,999.99
Dividend Rate
$100,000 and over
Annual Percentage Yield
$100,000 and over
6 Month Share Certificate $1,000 3.83% 3.90% 3.88% 3.95% 3.93% 4.00%
1 Year Share Certificate $1,000 4.17% 4.25% 4.17% 4.25% 4.17% 4.25%
2 Year Share Certificate $1,000 4.07% 4.15% 4.12% 4.20% 4.17% 4.25%
3 Year Share Certificate $1,000 4.07% 4.15% 4.12% 4.20% 4.17% 4.25%
5 Year Share Certificate $1,000 3.88% 3.95% 3.93% 4.00% 3.98% 4.05%
Rookie Share Certificate
Term Minimum Balance - Max Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
1 Year Rookie Share Certificate $250 - $2,500 4.17% 4.25%
Retirement Liquid Share Certificates
Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate
$10,000 - $49,999.99
Annual Percentage Yield
$10,000 - $49,999.99
Dividend Rate
$50,000 - $99,999.99
Annual Percentage Yield
$50,000 - $99,999.99
Dividend Rate
$100,000 and over
Annual Percentage Yield
$100,000 and over
1 Year Retirement Share Certificate $10,000 4.27% 4.35% 4.27% 4.35% 4.27% 4.35%
2 Year Retirement Share Certificate $10,000 4.17% 4.25% 4.22% 4.30% 4.27% 4.35%
5 Year Retirement Share Certificate $10,000 3.93% 4.00% 3.98% 4.05% 4.03% 4.11%
Coverdell ESA Share Certificates**
Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate
$1,000 - $9,999.99
Annual Percentage Yield
$1,000 - $9,999.99
Dividend Rate
$10,000 and over
Annual Percentage Yield
$10,000 and over
18 Month Coverdell ESA Share Certificate $1,000 4.07% 4.15% 4.12% 4.20%
3 Year Coverdell ESA Share Certificate $1,000 4.07% 4.15% 4.12% 4.20%
5 Year Coverdell ESA Share Certificate $1,000 3.88% 3.95% 3.93% 4.00%

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. Federally insured by the NCUA. Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly.

** Coverdell ESA Share Certificate = Education Savings Account.

A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees can reduce earnings on an account. All rates subject to change without notice. For current rate information, please call 800-231-1626.

Traditional/Roth IRA Savings & Money Market

Account Type

Minimum Deposit To Open Account

Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends

Annual Percentage Yield

Traditional/Roth IRA Savings




Traditional/Roth IRA Money Market


$ 0 - 2,499.99


Traditional/Roth IRA Money Market


$ 2,500.00 - 49,999.99


Traditional/Roth IRA Money Market


$ 50,000.00 - 74,999.99


Traditional/Roth IRA Money Market


$ 75,000.00 - 99,999.99


Traditional/Roth IRA Money Market


$100,000.00 and Over


Traditional/Roth IRA Certificates
Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate
$1,000 - $49,999.99
Annual Percentage Yield
$1,000 - $49,999.99
Dividend Rate
$50,000 - $99,999.99
Annual Percentage Yield
$50,000 - $99,999.99
Dividend Rate
$100,000 and over
Annual Percentage Yield
$100,000 and over
6 Month IRA $1,000 3.83% 3.90% 3.88% 3.95% 3.93% 4.00%
1 Year IRA $1,000 4.17% 4.25% 4.17% 4.25% 4.17% 4.25%
18 Month IRA $1,000 4.07% 4.15% 4.12% 4.20% 4.17% 4.25%
3 Year IRA $1,000 4.07% 4.15% 4.12% 4.20% 4.17% 4.25%
5 Year IRA $1,000 3.88% 3.95% 3.93% 4.00% 3.98% 4.05%
4 Month Freedom Traditional/Roth IRA


Minimum Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield

4 Month Freedom Traditional/Roth IRA
(New Money Only)

$0 1.39% 1.39%

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Fees may reduce earnings on accounts. APY is accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. Rates on savings and money market accounts are variable and are subject to change after the account is opened. For fees, refer to the current Schedule of Service Charges and Fees. Federally insured by the NCUA. Dividends are earned daily and credited and compounded monthly rate which corresponds to your account balance.

All rates subject to change without notice. For current rate information, please call 800-231-1626.

New & Used Autos
Up to 120% Financing on Approved Credit

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as low as Term (up to)
4.74% 24 Mos.
4.74% 36 Mos.
4.99 % 48 Mos.
5.24 % 60 Mos.
5.49% 72 Mos.
5.99% 84 Mos.

Representative Example: A $25,000 auto loan financed at 4.74% APR for 36 months would result in 36 payments of $747.77. Excludes business auto loans.

New & Used Motorcycles
Up to 115% Financing on Approved Credit

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as low as Term (up to)
6.24% 24 Mos.
6.74% 60 Mos.
7.24% 72 Mos.

Representative Example: A $15,000 loan at 6.74% APR for 60 months would result in 60 payments of $296.02. Maximum term for motorcycle loans is 72 months. Maximum term for used motorcycle over five (5) years old is 60 months.

Motorhomes, Boats, Travel Trailers
New & Used

Financing Annual Percentage Rate (APR ) as low as Term (up to)
Up to 100% Financing 5.99% 84 Mos.
Up to 100% Financing 5.99% 120 Mos.
Up to 100% Financing 5.99% 180 Mos.

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate.

Based on credit worthiness. APR requires full direct deposit—to qualify for the (0.50%) direct deposit discount, a minimum of $1,000 per month in direct deposits for two (2) consecutive months is required. If direct deposit is canceled, the promotional rate discount may be removed. Some restrictions apply. Offer valid to qualifying members only. Can be combined with other offers. Loan rates are based on term and applicant credit history. All loans are subject to credit approval and are subject to the Credit Union policies and procedures. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Rate discount applies to loans up to a term of 180 months for boats and RVs.

Representative Example: A $25,000 RV loan (Motor homes, Trailers, and Boats) (Boats greater than 28’ in length will require an “out of the water” marine survey) financed at 5.99% APR for 84 months would result in 84 payments of $366.03.

The Credit Union does not lend in a Non-Titling State on collateral loans in which a state does not issue or guarantee a title. Please contact us for out of state purchase requests as some restrictions apply. Loans currently financed with Firefighters First Credit Union are not eligible for this offer.

Personal Watercraft, ATV, Dirt bikes, Snowmobiles†††
New & Used

Financing Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as low as Term (up to)
Up to 100% Financing 7.49% 60 Mos.

Example: A $20,000 ATV loan financed at 7.49% APR for 60 months would result in 60 payments of $401.94.

Based on credit worthiness. APR requires full direct deposit—to qualify for the (0.50%) direct deposit discount, a minimum of $1,000 per month in direct deposits for two (2) consecutive months is required. If direct deposit is canceled, the promotional rate discount may be removed. Some restrictions apply. Offer valid to qualifying members only. Loan rates are based on term and applicant credit history. All loans are subject to credit approval and are subject to the Credit Union policies and procedures. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. For current rate information, please call us at 800-231-1626.The Credit Union does not lend in a Non-Titling State on collateral loans in which a state does not issue or guarantee a title. Please contact us for out of state purchase requests as some restrictions apply.

Interest Rates As Low As

Personalized Quote

NMLS #649058

All rates subject to change without notice. For current rate information, please call 800-231-1626.

Credit Cards
Interest Rate & Interest Charges


Classic VISA Card

Platinum VISA Card

Signature VISA Card

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for purchases


8.99% - 16.99%
When you open your account based on credit worthiness

15.24% - 17.99%
Variable rate
When you open your account based on credit worthiness

APR for Balance Transfers


8.99% - 16.99%

15.24% - 17.99%

APR for Cash Advances


8.99% - 16.99%

15.24% - 17.99%

Paying Interest We will not charge You interest on purchases if You pay Your entire balance owed each month within 25 days of Your statement closing date. We will begin charging interest on cash advances and balance transfers on the transaction date.
Minimum Interest Charge For VISA, if You are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $1.00.
For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a Credit Card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at: www.consumerfinance.gov/learnmore.
Fees Classic VISA Cards^ Platinum VISA Cards^^ Signature VISA Cards
Annual Fee/Setup & Maintenance Fees NONE NONE NONE
Transaction Fees
Balance Transfer Fees NONE NONE NONE
Foreign Transaction NONE NONE NONE
Penalty Fees
Returned Payment $22.00 $22.00 $22.00
Late Payment $15.00 $15.00 $15.00

^ Includes Classic VISA and Secured Classic VISA.

^^ Includes Platinum VISA, California Professional Firefighters VISA, Professional Firefighters of Arizona VISA, Washington State Council of Fire Fighters VISA.

See Your Account Agreement for details.

How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)."

Billing Rights: Information on Your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in Your Account Agreement.

The balances subject to the periodic Finance Charge are the average daily transactions balances outstanding during the month (including new transactions). To get the average daily balance, We take the beginning balance of Your Account each day, add any new purchases, balance transfers, cash advances, debit adjustments or other charges and subtract any payments, credits and unpaid Finance Charges. This gives Us the daily balance. Then, We add up all the daily balances for the billing cycle and divide them by the number of days in the billing cycle. The Finance Charge for a billing cycle is computed by multiplying the average daily balance subject to a Finance Charge by the Monthly Periodic Rate.

You can avoid Finance Charges on purchases by paying the full amount of the entire balance owed each month within 25 days of Your statement closing date. Otherwise, the new balance of purchases, and subsequent purchases from the date they are posted to Your Account, will be subject to a Finance Charge. Balance transfers and cash advances are always subject to a Finance Charge from the later of the date they are posted to Your Account or from the first day of the billing cycle in which the transaction is posted to Your Account.

If You are charged interest, the charge will be no less than $1.00.

Your Platinum VISA, California Professional Firefighters VISA, Professional Firefighters of Arizona VISA, and Washington State Council of Fire Fighters VISA are subject to a Monthly Periodic Rate of 0.7492% - 1.4158% (corresponding to an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 8.99% - 16.99%), based on Your creditworthiness.

Your Visa Signature is subject to a Monthly Periodic Rate of 1.27% - 1.50% (corresponding to an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 15.24% - 17.99%), based on Your creditworthiness.

The information in this disclosure was accurate as of December 26, 2024, and after that date is subject to change. Rates are based on the creditworthiness and underwriting guidelines. For current information, call Firefighters First Credit Union at: 800-231-1626; write to Firefighters First Credit Union, 1520 West Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105; or visit our website at: www.firefightersfirstcu.org.

All rates subject to change without notice. For current rate information, please call 800-231-1626.

Signature Loan (closed-end loan)

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Term (up to)
8.74% 12 Months
9.24% 24 Months
9.24% 36 Months
10.74% 60 Months

Representative example: A $5,000 Signature Loan financed at 9.24% for a term of 24 months would result in 24 monthly payments of $229.85.

Based on creditworthiness. APR requires full direct deposit—to qualify for the (0.50%) direct deposit discount, a minimum of $1,000 per month in direct deposits for two (2) consecutive months is required. If direct deposit is canceled, the promotional rate discount may be removed. Some restrictions apply. Offer valid to qualifying members only. Loan rates are based on term and applicant credit history. All loans are subject to credit approval and are subject to the Credit Union policies and procedures. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. For current rate information, please call us at 800-231-1626. The Credit Union does not lend in a Non-Titling State on collateral loans in which a state does not issue or guarantee a title. Please contact us for out of state purchase requests as some restrictions apply.

Safety Line (open-end loan)^

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Variable Rate
Term (up to)
11.74% - 18.00% N/A

Safety Line rates are based on the Prime Rate as reported in the Wall Street Journal, "plus" a margin between 4.24% and 14.24%. Actual rate will be determined by applicant's credit history. APR is subject to change without prior notice.

Representative Example: A $2,500 Safety Line Loan financed at 11.74% with an estimated payoff of 18 months would result in 18 monthly payments of $152.79. Your credit history and loan qualifications may result in a different interest rate and payment.

^ Variable Loan rates are based on the Prime Rate as reported in The Wall Street Journal, “plus” a margin between 4.24% and 14.24% which will be determined by applicant’s credit history. APR subject to increase after consummation.

Share Secured Loan (variable rate loan)

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Term (up to)
2.00% over current regular Share Rate 180 Months

Representative Example: A $5,000 Share Secured Loan financed at 2.25% for a term of 60 months would result in 60 monthly payments of $88.19.

Share Certificate Secured Loan (excluding IRA)

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Term (up to)
2.00% over pledged Share Certificate Rate Paid at maturity of certificate

Fire Station Loan^^

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Term (up to)
4.99% 36 Months

Representative Example: A $2,500 Fire Station Loan financed at 4.99% for a term of 36 months would result in 36 monthly payments of $75.08.

^^ The maximum loan amount is $1,000 per position assigned to the fire station for a Fire Station Loan, up to a max of $25,000. An example would be: Six (6) people work at a fire station on each shift for a total of 18 people. The maximum that fire station may borrow is $18,000. Fire Station Loans are separate from and not included in the Credit Union’s risk-based lending program’s underwriting of pricing guidelines.

Business Savings Accounts (Dividend Rates)

Account Type

Minimum Deposit To Open Account Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield

Regular Shares

$5 minimum balance is required to maintain a Regular Savings account.

$5 0.25% 0.25%

Regular Shares (Secondary)

$0 0.25% 0.25%
Business Checking

Account Type

Minimum Deposit To Open Account

Minimum Balance to Earn Dividends

Annual Percentage Yield

Business Checking




Business Money Market Accounts
Minimum Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
$0 0.05% 0.05%
$2,500 1.59% 1.60%
$50,000 1.64% 1.65%
$75,000 1.69% 1.70%
$100,000 1.74% 1.75%
Share Certificates
Account Term Minimum Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
6 Months $1,000 3.83% 3.90%
6 Months $50,000 3.88% 3.95%
6 Months $100,000 3.93% 4.00%
1 Year $1,000 4.17% 4.25%
1 Year $50,000 4.17% 4.25%
1 Year $100,000 4.17% 4.25%
2 Years $1,000 4.07% 4.15%
2 Years $50,000 4.12% 4.20%
2 Years $100,000 4.17% 4.25%
3 Years $1,000 4.07% 4.15%
3 Years $50,000 4.12% 4.20%
3 Years $100,000 4.17% 4.25%
5 Years $1,000 3.88% 3.95%
5 Years $50,000 3.93% 4.00%
5 Years $100,000 3.98% 4.05%

* APY = Annual Percentage Yield Fees may reduce earnings. Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly.

All Firefighters First Credit Union deposit accounts except for share certificates have a variable rate.

Deposit minimums and withdrawal limitations vary with different account types.

Certificate accounts are subject to penalties for early withdrawal. These accounts are at a fixed rate until maturity. Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly.

All Savings & IRA Programs: Dividends are calculated daily from day of deposit to day of withdrawal and are posted monthly. These are variable rate accounts and rates may change after account opening.

A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees can reduce earnings on an account.

Federally insured by the NCUA.

All rates subject to change without notice. For current rate information, please call 800-231-1626.