Video Call
We provide our members an opportunity to video call with various departments
Video Call is quickly becoming a key way to communicate, but not everybody is comfortable with how to get started. We have provided some help guides to assist, but feel free to call us if you need help getting started.
How to get ready to talk with our Virtual Branch, Business Services, Real Estate and Firefighter Insurance Services teams through your mobile device or from a laptop/computer.
How to get ready to talk with Firehouse Financial and Trust Services.
Video Call (Monday - Friday 6:00 AM TO 4:30 PM PT)
Let’s have a conversation! Talk to us in person from wherever you are. We can assist you with all your banking needs via a personal video call.
For optimal performance, we recommend that you use Chrome as your browser.


For Investment Property Loans:
Tim Watkins
Commercial Loan Officer
Firefighters First Credit Union
T: 323-550-4902 | C: 323-216-6522 | F: 323-550-4941 | E:

For Business Accounts and Loans:
Cristian Foronda
Business Banking Specialist
Firefighters First Credit Union
T: 323-550-4994 | C: 323-217-5594 | F: 323-550-4941 E:

Pedro Cisneros
CUSO Financial Services L.P. (Member FINRA/SIPC)
Firehouse Financial
Firefighters First Credit Union
T: 323-550-4926 | M:916-667-2341 | F: 323-550-4960 | E:

Brenda Alfrey
Firefighters First Credit Union
T: 800-231-1626 ext. 2360 | E:

Tom O’Sullivan
Real Estate Processor
Firefighters First Credit Union
T: 800-231-1626 ext. 2420 | E:

Katherine Rose-Brownell, Trust Officer
Officer, Trust Relationship
Firefighters First Credit Union
T: 323 550-2225 | M: 323-541-5130 | E: