2022 Scholarship Recipients
These recipients had an average grade point average of 4.1 and they are or soon will be attending Arizona State University, Blinn College, Jackson College, Otterbein University, Sam Houston State University, Texas A&M, University of Alabama, University of New Hampshire, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and West Virginia University.
The Board of Directors and staff of the Fire Family Foundation wish them all the best in the future.
Ahmad B.
Ahmad hails from Texas and is a freshman at Sam Houston State University. His firefighter father’s selflessness inspired him to become a certified nursing aid in high school and to study nursing in college. He currently puts his training to good use as a lifeguard and looks forward to continuing to help others in the future.
Abigail C.
Abigail, a California native, is a freshman at Blinn College. Her firefighter father taught her the value of hard work, which has helped her excel as her local 4H club president who shows her own cattle. She hopes to continue mentoring others in college.
Jocelyn D.
Jocelyn is from Ohio and a freshman at Otterbein University. Her firefighter father showed her how rewarding serving others can be, which is why she volunteers extensively with her church and hopes to be a psychologist one day. She is excited to continue volunteering with her community in the future.
Jerod F.
Jerod, a native of Arizona, recently completed his Associates Degree at Mesa Community College and is now enrolled at Texas A&M. The responsibility he learned from his firefighter dad helped him make the dean’s list while working as a welder during the start of the pandemic. Jerod plans to serve his country in the army upon graduation.
Aubrie L.
Aubrie hails from Colorado and is freshman at Jackson College. Her firefighter father inspired her to serve others as a 4H mentor and museum volunteer tour guide. She hopes to work in diagnostic sonography upon graduation.
Steven L.
Steven, a Virginia native, is a freshman at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Inspired by his firefighter stepfather’s work ethic, Steven is an Eagle Scout who participated in varsity sports and robotics competitions in high school. He dreams of becoming an engineer in the future.
Madelynn M.
Madelynn is from Arizona and is a sophomore at Arizona State University. Her firefighter father’s outgoing personality and dedication pushed her to volunteer extensively through her local rotary club while swimming competitively and mentoring younger students in her area. She plans to continue serving others as a nurse practitioner in the future.
Kennedy M.
Kennedy hails from Missouri and is a sophomore at the University of New Hampshire. Her firefighter dad inspired her to mentor others as tennis captain and the head of her school’s yearbook committee for 2 years. She hopes to earn a masters or PhD upon completing her undergraduate degree in marine biology.
Alina O.
Alina, an Alabama resident, is a freshman at the University of Alabama. Her retired firefighter father inspired her to push herself to excel, which allowed her to maintain excellent grades while serving as the varsity softball team captain for 3 years. She hopes to pursue a career in nursing after graduation.
Anna R.
Anna is from Virginia and is a freshman at West Virginia University. Her retired firefighter father taught her to give more than she takes, which is why she served her school community as her class president and band section leader. She plans to work with kids after getting her degree in nursing.