Nominations for the 2021 Board of Directors are now open. We currently have 5 three-year term seats on the Board of Directors. All of these seats are currently held by incumbents who intend to retain their seats. In accordance with Firefighters First Federal Credit Union Bylaws, you may also be nominated by submitting a petition before the close of nominations as provided below.
The close of nominations is December 14, 2020.
Members wishing to be considered for the Board of Directors may petition to run for those positions. Petitions may be obtained at Firefighters First Credit Union, 815 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90041, or requested by telephone (800) 231-1626, ext. 2234. Petitions must reach the Executive Assistant of the Credit Union at 815 Colorado Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90041 by December 14, 2020, the close of nominations. The petitions must contain the signatures, printed names and member account numbers of at least 521 members eligible to vote (1% of the Firefighters First Credit Union's voting membership as of August 31, 2020). Petitions must be accompanied by a brief statement (no more than 250 words) of qualifications, biographical data and a signed statement from the nominee that he/she is agreeable and will serve if elected. Firefighters First Credit Union Bylaws stipulate that all members of the Board of Directors must be 18 years or older, members of the Firefighters First Credit Union in good standing and bondable.
If the number of nominees as of the Close of Nominations is equal to the number of open positions (5), then there will not be an election, and the nominees will be declared elected by acclamation at the Annual Meeting on February 25, 2021.
Three-Year Term Seats

Ron Jackson, Board Member
Ron retired as a member of the Los Angeles Fire Department after more than 34 years of service. While with the Department he held the rank of Engineer, Inspector, Captain, and Battalion Chief. As a member of the LAFD Chief Officers Association he served as a Board Director, Treasurer, and Business Manager. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Information Technology and a Master Degree in Public Administration from California State University, Northridge. Ronald is married and has two daughters that are also members of the FFCU fire family. He looks forward to continuing his volunteer participation as a FFCU Board member and to the bright future of Firefighters First Federal Credit Union as we strive to deliver outstanding experiences to the member/owners.

Marshall Hatch, Board Member
Marshall Hatch has been in the fire service for 25 years. He has held the ranks of Fire Prevention Officer, Firefighter, Engineer and is currently a Captain at Fire Station 54 in Camarillo, CA. He is married with 4 daughters. Marshall intends to retain the core values of firefighters helping firefighters as the credit union continues to grow.

Jeff Haughy, Board Member
Jeff currently serves as the 2nd Vice Chair. Jeff has been in the fire service for 20 years, 17 of those years with the City of Oakland. He has held the ranks of Firefighter/Paramedic, Engineer and is currently Lieutenant assigned to Station 8. He is married and has 3 kids – which are members of the credit union, and they live in Danville, CA. They have been business owners of Heart Start CPR for over 16 years and their company teaches over 600 classes per year, training over 6,000 students annually. They started out with one pack of manikins, limited equipment and a vision. Much like the credit union, the key to their success has been quality customer service and attention to detail.

Greg Porter, Board Member
Greg serves as Secretary and is a member of the Strategic planning committee. He became a member of the Credit Union at a very young age, thanks to his dad who retired from the Los Angeles City Fire Department. Greg joined the Los Angeles City Fire Department in 1980 and retired as a Captain at the Frank Hotchkin Training Center. He has been a member of the Board of Directors since 2002.

Sheldon G. McKowan, Board Member
Sheldon has been on the Board of Directors since 1989. Sheldon has previously served on the Credit Committee. Sheldon received his Certified Credit Union Director designation in 2002 from the Credit Union Executive Society’s Directors Leadership Institute at the London School of Business and his Certified Credit Union Volunteer designation in 2008 from Credit Union National Association. He joined the Los Angeles City Fire Department in 1976 and retired as a Captain in North Hollywood in the San Fernando Valley. Sheldon and his wife, Sheila, live in Chatsworth and have two grown daughters and three grandsons.